Popcorn vs Kernel

5 Popcorns = Must see!
4 Popcorns = You'll probably like it.
3 Popcorns = Go in the morning when there are cheaper ticket prices.
2 Popcorns = Maybe rent it.
1 Popcorn = Wait for a friend to rent it and watch it with them.
Kernel = Don't see it at all. Ever.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Secret in Their Eyes (2015)

Directed by: Billy Ray

Written by: Billy Ray, Juan José Campanella (film El Secreto de sus ojos), & Eduardo Sacheri (film El Secreto de sus ojos)

Starring: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Julia Roberts, & Nicole Kidman

The main thing that comes to mind when I think about this film is "I knew it!," but only a few seconds before it actually happened.

What I mean is that I knew what was going to happen, but only a few moments before it actually happened.  I could not tell otherwise.

Jess (Roberts) unfortunately found her daughter dead in a trash bin.  After 13 years, Ray (Ejiofor), Jess' partner, tries everything he can to find the murderer.  When he comes across the same face from 13 years prior, he tries to get Claire (Kidman) the new D.A. to reopen the case, but as Ray keeps searching he figures out that not everything is what it seems.

This movie was great!  It was heart wrenching and the ending was unexpected.  I was like Dang!!! the whole time.  What made it this way was mostly the actors' performances.  You could see the distress and anguish in their eyes.

The reason though that this film is not 5 popcorns, but 4, is because of all the close ups.  There were multiple scenes where it was close up after close up.  There were barely any wide shots or medium shots to show the audience where the scene was taking place.  The director had too many in there and the film needed more variety.  I'm not saying that there weren't any, but there needed to be more.  I'm guessing the reason for all the close ups is that the director wanted the viewers to see their eyes because the film is Secret in Their Eyes.  Get it?

Another reason for the 4 popcorns is the cross mixing between the past and present.  It did not really get on my nerves all that much, but the person I went with did not like it.  It could bother some of you too since the only way to tell if it's the past is through Ejiofor's hair color.  Is some of it gray?  Then it's the present.  If not, then the past.  It bugged him more than it did me, but I thought I'd mention it since it may get on your nerves too.

Other than that,  I really enjoyed the film.  4 popcorns.

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