Popcorn vs Kernel

5 Popcorns = Must see!
4 Popcorns = You'll probably like it.
3 Popcorns = Go in the morning when there are cheaper ticket prices.
2 Popcorns = Maybe rent it.
1 Popcorn = Wait for a friend to rent it and watch it with them.
Kernel = Don't see it at all. Ever.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Zootopia (2016)

Directed by: Bryon Howard & Rich Moore

Written by: Jared Bush, Phil Johnston, Bryon Howard (story), Rich Moore (story), Jennifer Lee (story), Josie Trinidad (story), & Jim Reardon (story)

Starring: Ginnifer Goodwin & Jason Bateman

Zootopia follows the dreams of Judy Hopps (Goodwin), a small town bunny turned police officer on her way to the famous Zootopia, where predators and prey all get along.  For her first case, she is in search of a missing otter along with 13 other animals.  As her first lead, she heads for an infamous clever fox, Nick Wilde (Bateman). They must work together to find these animals and the culprit behind the kidnappings.

Oh my gosh guys, I love Jennifer Lee.  She is just on a roll.  Am I right?  First she did Wreck-It Ralph and then Frozen.  Now she's come up with this great story, supposedly among others, but c'mon, I say it's probably all her.

This film is more for adults than it is for children.  The little girl next to me said, "I'm bored.  I want to go home."  And I could see why.  The concept of the film is probably too complicated for children. It's animated and everything with cute characters, but the whole investigation of these missing animals is beyond a kid's comprehension depending on their age of course.

What I loved most about this film, besides my second favorite actress being in it (Ginnifer Goodwin), is the hidden relative meaning behind it.  It's racism!  But with animals.

How clever.  Considering how in today's society, at least in the U.S., there's the Black Lives Matter campaign and the tension with minorities and police officers.  I wonder if anyone else got that...

I recommend seeing this film, but don't bring your kids.  They won't get it unless they're super smart. And if they're not, or too young, they are just going to cry and ruin it for everyone else.  Don't bring them.  Rent with them.

The reason for 4 popcorns is I loved everything about it, but it didn't make me feel emotional at all.  I didn't cry, which is kind of the criteria for a 5 popcorn movie.

4 popcorns.

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