Popcorn vs Kernel

5 Popcorns = Must see!
4 Popcorns = You'll probably like it.
3 Popcorns = Go in the morning when there are cheaper ticket prices.
2 Popcorns = Maybe rent it.
1 Popcorn = Wait for a friend to rent it and watch it with them.
Kernel = Don't see it at all. Ever.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Crimson Peak (2015)

Directed by: Guillermo del Toro

Written by: Guillermo del Toro & Matthew Robbins

Starring: Mia Wasikowska, Jessica Chastain, & Tom Hiddleston

I never really watch horror films.  The main reason is not because they're scary, but because they're funny.  I always seem to end up laughing and ruining the movie for others.  Maybe it's a defensive mechanism so I'm not scared.  Because I do get scared, mainly haunted houses.  Hate those.

Anyway, I laughed at this film too.  The "ghosts" were poorly made.  They are more translucent bones with muscles.  The ghosts were a mixture of red meat and skeletons put together, and the CGI just made it awful.  Perhaps the red coloring they used.  I can see why they made it that color, to match the red clay that is underneath the house, but it was a poor choice.  The best ghosts were at the end of the film, but no spoilers.

The film was okay.  I liked it overall.  Only parts I didn't like were the ghosts, those were crappy, and the unanswered questions.

When writing a script, once you finish, there should be no more questions that the audience still has. Unless it's like Inception where the answer is either one or the other, such as if it was all a dream or not.  But this wasn't the case for Crimson Peak.

The questions I had were: why is there red clay under the house? And why doesn't Lucille (Chastain) and Thomas (Hiddleston) get older?  Why are they immortal?  (I hope these questions don't spoil anything.)

So I feel like the second question is pretty important to the plot.  Just saying.  So that kind of sucked, not knowing the answers and all.

But other than that, it was pretty good.  I wanted to know what was going to happen.  The film kept me hooked and there was mystery, excitement, and some laughs, though those were probably not intentional.  So I do think people should see this movie, but it's more of a rent it or see it in the morning type.  3 popcorns.

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