Popcorn vs Kernel

5 Popcorns = Must see!
4 Popcorns = You'll probably like it.
3 Popcorns = Go in the morning when there are cheaper ticket prices.
2 Popcorns = Maybe rent it.
1 Popcorn = Wait for a friend to rent it and watch it with them.
Kernel = Don't see it at all. Ever.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Zookeeper's Wife (2017)

Directed by: Niki Caro

Written by: Angela Workman & Diane Ackerman (book)

Starring: Jessica Chastain

Chastain proves, once again, that her amazing acting skills are versatile and can fit a variety of roles.

Antonina (Chastain) is the zookeeper's wife in Warsaw, Poland.  Unfortunately, Antonina and her husband, Jan (Johan Heldenbergh) run the zoo during WWII, which comes into conflict of Germany's plan to overtake the country.  Their beloved zoo is destroyed all the while their Jewish friends are being murdered.  They try to take matters into their own hands by sneaking Jews into their zoo for protection.  Will they prove successful?  Or will they be caught and possibly killed themselves?

Typically, films dealing with the Holocaust do very well plot wise.  The same is with this film.

First off, the animals in the zoo made my heart pang.  I'm an animal lover (even though I eat meat - sorry PETA) and the way these animals are treated, both good and bad, breaks my heart.

The same goes for our main character Antonina, a shy obedient housewife who just cares for her children and animals.  She wants the quiet life, but somehow becomes wrapped up in this hateful mess.

I found myself rooting for this couple despite how the odds were against them.  Even for the people that they helped, though had little screen time, left an impression and gave insight into the Holocaust.

This film definitely brought back compassion and love that has been absent for quite some time in biographical movies.  This film made me cry and appreciate my blessings.  5 popcorns.

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